Edible Blooms Blog

Welcome to our new blog! Since opening our doors in 2005 we have had many of our wonderful customers wanting to know what it is REALLY like to work for Edible Blooms. What is it we really do? And do we really love working here? Of course we do! And now, instead of telling you to just believe us, we get to show you! We are all really excited to open our world up to you and welcome you into our family!

To kick us off we are thrilled to show you our new Easter Range for 2014. This year we have delicious gifts packed full of treats made by our friends at Chocolatier Australia and Lindt. These beauties only just made it to the photo shoot, with our head office team ‘quality testing’ each new product on its way past our desks.

There is something magical about Easter eggs that just cut through temptation barriers and before you know it, that egg that you’d been saving for the dreaded three-thirty-itis is slowly melting in your mouth at 10am and you’re suddenly on the prowl for the next closest chocolate egg!
If you’re game to face temptation you can view the range here, and if you have any burning questions or thoughts you’d like to get off your chest, please feel free to leave your comments here, or contact us directly at fresh@edibleblooms.com.au.