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Chocolate Quotes

Chocolate Quotes

If you are the kind of person who licks the cake bowl and loves to pop some bubble wrap then you are our kind of people and if there is one thing we know for an undisputed fact, it’s that quotes are perfect for all and any occasion AND that chocolate is it’s equal in this mission. So simply there is nothing more sinfully flawless than chocolate quotes and oh so lucky for you we have gone through the trouble of finding the very best chocolate quotes and putting them all into a neat lil package.

Sit back, relax and let’s take a Charlie and the chocolate factory kind of journey.

There’s nothing better than a little quote surrounding the sweet cocoa goodness that is chocolate, and boy oh boy do we have some delectable chocolate quotes.

Simply chocolate quotes

Okay so these babies are the realest of the real, if you understand that chocolate isn’t only a tasty sweet, it’s a long lost friend, a warm hug on a winter’s night and sometimes your only true love, then you’ll be screaming hallelujah at these chocolate quotes.

We like this one because it’s true, enough said.
“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.”  ― Linda Grayson.

Chocolate says the words you don’t know how to say and sorry is so often the hardest.
 “Chocolate says "I'm sorry" so much better than words.”  ― Rachel Vincent.

As The Beetles so eloquently sung to us, all you need is love, but we think when they wrote that they were probably eating chocolate
 “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.” ― Charles M. Schulz

Lil bit quirky chocolate quotes

If you like your chocolate quotes with a side dish of giggles, these simply delicious words will have you beaming from ear to ear.

A classic, because chocolate in large doses isn’t that good for you but your hand and mouth don’t want to hear it, we get it, it’s clever, but let us have all the chocolate we want please.
“Your hand and your mouth agreed many years ago that, as far as chocolate is concerned, there is no need to involve your brain.”  ― Dave Barry

We stand with Jane.
“If there's no chocolate in Heaven, I'm not going.”  ― Jane Seabrook

We’ve never thought about it like this and it’s probably a little deeper than we wanted to go but would we have Romeo and Juliet if Shakespeare had had a snickers?
“The greatest tragedies were written by the Greeks and Shakespeare...neither knew chocolate.”  ― Sandra Boynton

Chocolate movie quotes

Our two favourite things! Chocolate quotes and movies quotes combined are simply the most quotable of the quotes, there’s no love lost between these two, they go together like cocoa and milk.

The classic chocolate movie quotes
Classic chocolate movie quotes, these ones are the memories of your childhood.

If you don’t know this one, you REALLY needed this list.
“My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” ― Forest Gump, Forest Gump

A perfect representation of the fact that chocolate doesn’t have to make sense, it just has to have at least 2% butterscotch ripple.
“Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple.” ― Will Wonka, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

The fun lovin’ chocolate movie quotes
Chocolate is never boring so chocolate movie quotes shouldn’t be either!

We believe these are the words spoken prior to what is known as a ‘chocolate coma.’
“I want to get chocolate wasted.” ― Becky Feder, Grown Ups

This one is important because it shows not only how to make an immaculate hot chocolate perfected over centuries, it also notes that it must have extra chocolate.
“Not too hot. Extra chocolate. Shaken, not stirred.” ―Little Elf Judy, The Santa Clause

Chocolate love quotes

Much like an announcement on community radio this one goes out to all the lovers out there, though we mean chocolate lovers, just to clarify. Chocolate love quotes to fill the heart (and stomach).

A bit deep chocolate love quotes
Chocolate love quotes can fill you up in all ways, so let’s not forget just how deep out love for chocolate can really run.

Self-love is what we are talking about!
“Chocolate is a gift of love to yourself.” ―  Sonja Blumenthal

We think Susan knows more than we do.
“Hot fudge fills deep needs.” ―  Susan Isaacs

A bit silly chocolate love quotes
At Edible Blooms we don’t take life too seriously so why should chocolate love quotes be any different?!

This isn’t the kind of hard truth we thought we would be facing today but fair bump.
“Don't think that chocolate is a substitute for love! Love is a substitute for chocolate.” ―   Miranda Ingram

We are feeling personally attacked.
“True strength is when you can break a bar of chocolate into four pieces with your bare hands – then just eat one.” ―  Unknown

Edible Blooms just loves chocolate! So whether it be chocolate quotes, chocolate movie quotes or chocolate love quotes, we know them so be sure put this one away for a rainy day. When you need some lovin, a giggle or even a serious thought about written works from ancient Greece, these chocolate quotes are sure to put a smile on the ol’ dial, because as we all know, you’re never fully dressed without one!

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