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Edible BloomsEdible Blooms
Treat Yourself to One of Our Pamper Hampers

Treat Yourself to One of Our Pamper Hampers

We all know how busy everyday life can get nowadays with school, work and University life. You can so easily be wound up with so much stress that you need time to relax and unwind with something and someone special. Here at Edible Blooms we know the importance of self-care and relaxation. We love to ensure that you’re all in the best frame of mind in every stage of life, so it’s important that you begin to recognise that sometimes the little things such as a pamper hamperis just the key to help you achieve that.


Here at Edible Blooms, one of our core values is self-care, and so we feel totally inclined to ensure that our customers are doing the same for themselves. Do you know someone who is currently going through a difficult time, or who just needs a hug, or even some quality time to themselves? A pamper hamper will 100% help to make this happen. Indulge yourself in some quality products that you will seriously want more of as soon as they’re gone. Once you take the time to relax with a pamper hamper, it will soon become one of your daily or weekly rituals. 


We include only the finest quality products in a pamper hamper from Edible Blooms. Of course, a pamper hamper from us will include a delectable and sweet scented candle for you to light. Run yourself a bubble bath and light this stunning candle from your pamper hamperto unwind and take your mind back to a place where you have no worries or troubles. It’s you time for as long as this candle is burning, so we suggest that you seriously take advantage of it, because you won’t be able to enjoy your pamper hamper for long before interruption strikes.


A pamper hamperwouldn’t be a pamper hamper without the inclusion of your favourite beers or bubbles now would it? When you’re sitting relaxing on the couch or in your bubble bath, you will definitely want to be pouring yourself a glass of Moet or red wine to help you to relax and unwind in the purpose of the pamper hamper. Now you’re an adult, treat yourself like one. You deserve that beautiful bottle so enjoy it, no guilt trip required.


Edible Blooms is famous for the scrumptious choccies that we include in our gifts, and so why wouldn’t we do the same in a pamper hamper? Whether it be lindt chocolates, Belgian milk chocolates or Ferrero Rochers, your pamper hamper will be complete with something to much on while you’re relaxing. There’s a reason that chocolates make you feel relaxed and happy, and so it’s a perfect addition to a pamper hamper from Edible Blooms. Whether you’re treating yourself to a pamper hamper or to a loved one or friend that is in need, you seriously can’t go wrong with a pamper hamperfrom Edible Blooms. We’ve been in the pamper hamper gifting game for a long time now, so trust us when we say we’re the best.

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