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Edible BloomsEdible Blooms
Succulent Inspiration!

Succulent Inspiration!

Hey there Greenies!!

Recently we have been addicted to our Pinterest feed, it’s filled with amazing tips for your gardens, some seriously delicious food, beautiful places and plants, DIY, and so much more! (You can check it out here –just click!) It’s really inspired us to give a few fun DIY projects we have seen a go and see if some of these Pinner’s ideas ACTUALLY work!

Now we understand you can propagate succulents without rooting hormone, although it can be handy. We have also seen that all Organic Honey, Cinnamon and of course water does also work!

These cuttings have been taken from many different varieties of succulents and we can wait to see when they start to take shape and we will have some little succulent gardens!

We will check back in a few weeks with progress and keep it updated on our social media! We hope this has given you a little inspiration to create some DIY succulent projects!

Love GTG xxx

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