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Best Things about Chocolate

Best Things about Chocolate

Since it was discovered, people have been obsessed with chocolate. M&Ms were created in 1941 as a way for soldiers to enjoy chocolate without it melting and the inventor of the Chocolate Chip Cookie didn’t want any money for her revolutionary idea, instead she sold the idea to Nestle in return for one thing; you guessed it, a lifetime supply of chocolate! So here are a few of the best things about chocolate:

  1. Eating dark chocolate every day reduces the risk of heart disease by one-third
  2. Chocolate has an anti-bacterial effect on the mouth and protects against tooth decay
  3. Chocolate can be used as a medicine for the common cough and has been proven to work better than codeine
  4. A single chocolate chip can give you enough energy to walk 45 metres
  5. Chocolate's scent increases theta brain waves, which induce relaxation
  6. It’s so versatile and you can consume it in so many different forms: chocolate bars, hot chocolates, cakes etc
  7. Chocolate milk is an effective post-workout recovery drink
  8. It melts in your mouth
  9. It can be given as a gift no matter what occasion
  10. It tastes amazing in each flavour

No matter what the event, chocolate will always be there. From a friend’s birthday to a break up, chocolate is the perfect gift (and the most enjoyed) to let someone know that you care about them. It’s especially award winning and appreciated when it’s coated around a fresh strawberry!

Chocolate Dipped Strawberries


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