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Bring the Christmas Vibe this year

Bring the Christmas Vibe this year


Dessert Table Decorations

After cooking over a hot stove and feasting over a long lazy Christmas lunch, treat yourself to some time back by using edible Christmas decorations as dessert. Choose to keep it simple and decanter Lindt Balls in festive colours into clear glass containers, or take it to the next level and indulgence in chocolate poinsettia flowers. If no one wants a sweet treat, no problem, they make a great take-home gift for any unexpected visitors. 

Play a Christmas Game

Sound cheesy and too hard? A simple game everyone can play is count the Christmas baubles on the tree - as each guest arrives, they write down a number they feel represents the baubles on the tree. The closest wins and let's be honest, everyone wants to leave Christmas with the chance to have an extra little gift.

If it's the end of the evening, and the chatter has died down, put on a Christmas movie - play a drinking game. Elf, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Die Hard, or How the Grinch Stole Christmas. Write out a list of rules that follow the movie—when one of those rules occurs in the movie, everyone takes a drink.

Put a Bow On It

Tie a generous ribbon to chair backs, candlesticks, picks in plants, and wreaths, the dog....basically anything and suddenly it looks like Christmas is here. You can also tie ribbons to garlands, basket handles, drapery tie-backs, stair railings, and even doorknobs.....I think you get the drift. Now head off to Spotlight and get that ribbon roll.

Add a little nature

Celebrate the great outdoors by making them part of your overall Christmas theme. Create a Christmas table with a modern take, from gum tree leaves to a woodsy theme. Details like linen napkins, a striped linen table runner, vases full of native flowers, and seasonal greenery celebrate all Australia has to offer. 

What to see what your Christmas Vibe is? Take our Quiz. 

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