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Edible BloomsEdible Blooms
Crop Rotation

Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is commonly associated with plant propagation on a larger scale than your backyard garden...i.e. in commercial farming. But if the same principals are applied to your garden at home, wonderful results can be achieved.

Crop rotation reduces the likely hood of pest and disease issues and also maximises soil fertility.

The concept is to try and avoid growing the same thing in a patch of soil, year in year out. If you do, this can promote pests and disease to fester in that area.

Instead, it is a better idea to rotate plants between two or three patches of soil, allowing them to recover and rebuild between cycles. Annual herbs, such as parsley, coriander, dill and basil provide the perfect opportunity to rotate soil patches.

Good luck Greenies! Let us know how you go, we love to hear your feedback :-)

Love GTG xxx

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