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Early Educators Day 2022 - 7th September 2022

Early Educators Day 2022 - 7th September 2022

What is Early Childhood Educator’s Day?

Each year we celebrate these special teachers that choose a career to educate our children.  It’s a way of showing our appreciation and celebrating their creativity and genuine care.  Early Educators have a genuine love of learning and we say thanks for sharing that joy with our children on this special day.

What or Who is an Early Childhood Educator?

Early Childhood Educators teach in childcare centres and early learning and kinder (or kindergarten) programs in Australia and are responsible for providing education and care for children from infancy to age 5. People who work in these centres have various qualifications, either university degrees or TAFE (or equivalent organisation) Certificate III.

Early Childhood Educators have an incredibly important role in the lives of children and their development, as they are often their first teachers outside of the home.   They develop children’s social skills, learning styles and behaviour as well inspire, encourage, and promote children’s learning while nurturing children’s sense of belonging and becoming.

What date is Early Educators Day?

In 2022 we celebrate this day on Wednesday 7th September.

How to celebrate Early Childhood Educators Day?

  1. Thank you cards – heart felt messages always hit the right note.  Hint, you can use our free ‘word helper’ on the Edible Blooms gift delivery website to help find the perfect words to write in your gift card.
  2. Organise a morning tea and invite families to attend to help the Early Educators celebrate their care to develop your children.
  3. Encourage your children to create a special drawing for their early learning educators.
  4. Send a team gift to the staff at your Early Education Centre.  For visual inspiration we share the example from Woolworths in 2021 sending a special gift to every childcare centre across Australia – wow this was a generous and impactful gesture from a big corporation.
  5. Small appreciation gifts of chocolates always hit a sweet spot.    Edible Blooms has a terrific range of team gifts and thank you gifts that are ideal to choose from.  If you’re a large childcare centre you can reach out to our corporate team to customise a branded gift for your teams and/or individuals for delivery on Early Childhood Educators Day – or any day of the year!

Why do we celebrate early childhood educators Day?

We celebrate this day to show our appreciation for these educators that largely go unappreciated through the year but have a big impact on the lives of our children. 

How have companies sent appreciation to Early Educators?

In 2021 Woolworths reached out to childcare centres across Australia to celebrate their important role in our community with a personalised branded gift and thank you message.  Photographs of these amazing gifts can be seen  below:

For more information on how you can send a thank you gift, visit or reach out to our team by calling us on 1300768996.

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