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First Father's Day Gifts

First Father's Day Gifts

Is this your first time buying a gift for a proud Dad this coming Fathers Day? Are you brimming with absolute fear that you won’t find those perfect first Fathers Day gift ideas? Well boy oh boy have you come to the right place, think of this as your ultimate First Fathers day Survival Guide if you will. We are here to navigate all of the socks and jocks, watches, fishing gear, macaroni picture frames and monographed cuff links and come out of it with the first Fathers Day gift ideas you didn’t even know your dreams were made of.


But what does it really mean to be a Dad for the first time? A time for vomit all over your everything, never getting a single full night’s sleep, thinking about the colour of poop at all hours of the day and all adoring, everlasting unconditional love, and that is exactly why we celebrate fathers day! It’s our way of saying thank you for accepting the various body fluids inflicted upon their person and still loving us through changing our diapers.


Things Only a Father Can Do


A first fathers day is a forever fun gifting experience, but being a Father for the first time is where the real sentiment lies, being a first time parent means you get to do things that were frowned upon pre-parenthood, and they are usually pretty flipping groovy.


This is only a small collection of some of the most fun you can have only post-parenthood and of course some first fathers day gift ideas to match because we know that is why you are really here!


Baby Talk

Baby talk is super fun, both for parents and for babies, we won’t be taking any further questions on this topic at this time.


For this one first Fathers day ideas are a little tricky, but a gift hamper would fit right in, your little one will love listening to their Dad go through all of the funky gifts he’s gotten with a little ryhmey whimey for extra flare.


Getting excited about silence

You really can’t understand the salvation of a moment’s peace and quiet until you’ve got a professional hand held screamer living in your house.


Silence alone is the first fathers day gift ideas a Dad dreams of however you want to really enjoy this time and soak up all of that quiet, so we suggest doing it with chocolate. Because simply everything is better with chocolate.


Being the smartest person in the room

Before your child is at a point where they begin to gain intelligence that excels your own you’re always the smartest person in the room. This one is twofold because one, you get that giddy feeling every time your child asks you a question or you teach them something, and two, you can get away with things very easily, take advantage of this fleeting stage of outsmarting your child while you can.


Even we aren’t 100% sure which first Fathers day ideas this one falls under, but be creative! Perhaps put together your own hamper, a mix of plants, bubbles, choccies and all of his favourites, I’m sure he’ll just be overjoyed that his newborn has somehow put it together.


Playing with toys

Always wanted to a build a lego battle ship or have a party with some toy dinosaurs but been afraid you’re a little too old? Well first time parent, your time is now.


First fathers day ideas can be so hard, but if your first time Dad gets giddy over some funky toys then our gift hampers should be your number one go-to. Perhaps a little unorthodox but head on over to ‘gifts for children’ and run free, you’ll be leaving one happy Father box full of goodies he can enjoy alone and with the little one!


Being Speedy at Chores

With a child in the house sometimes the 20 minute nap is your only time to get things done, I’m sure all first time parents have thought ‘are there household chore Olympics?’


For this one you want to focus on first fathers day gift ideas that are about giving dear old Dad and big ol’ pat on the back. The best solution for this is a nice relaxing beverage, our bubbles and beers bouquets will have him cleaning the bathroom in 8 minutes flat just so he can have a remaining 12 to sip on that ice cold beer or chill out with a fruity red wine, so many wins!


Yes these are all things you technically could do before but really doing them as a Dad is part of what makes them acceptable, otherwise you’re just a crazy person buying diapers in the supermarket covered in urine and talking to staff in a baby voice, and we’ll give you a hint, without having the baby, it’s not quite as socially accepted.


The point is first fathers gift ideas deserve thought because the memories made with a Dad are there forever and although it’s best to celebrate them every single day sometimes when you’re laying in a bath of your own bodily fluids as your Dad has to clean it up its hard to portray that message. Give the first time Dad in your life that sweet lovin’ care he deserves with first fathers day ideas that say things like ‘I love you,’ ‘I appreciate you,’ and ‘thank you.’ We promise, he’ll love you unconditionally even if it isn’t completely perfect.

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