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Go Vertical!

Go Vertical!

When you have limited garden scape, it can be hard to grow everything you would like to...especially if you’re a plant collector like us!

Garden trends are making way for vertical gardening, a new gardening approach where you can create a growing space in a confined area. It is a great way to keep garden maintenance down and promote a healthy growth rate in your plants. Here are some easy and really gorgeous DIY garden project ideas for this coming holiday period. 

1. If you happen to have an old dresser lying around or can pick one up on the cheap, pull all the drawers out, fill with potting soil and pop a variety of your favourite plants in it. Be careful though, this dresser is bound to be front heavy, so you will need to secure from the back to a fence post or into the ground.

2. Wooden boxes, each one smaller than the one below, stacked in a stair pattern or style. Fill all of the drawers with potting soil and begin planting. We think this would look particularly gorgeous filled with herbs :-)

3. Have you got a metal fence that you can't stand the sight of? Here's an idea...punch holes in simple metal or plastic containers and attach them to the fence using an s-hook. You can plant your favourite brightly coloured flowers and herbs and have them on display for all to enjoy. Just remember to keep the containers small enough so that the fence will hold the weight when they are full of soil.

4. One of our favourite ideas and most striking is using an old wooden step ladder, lean it up against a wall or tree and secure it with some screws if necessary and arrange your potted plants accordingly. A super easy way to jazz up your home. 

If you have time this holiday season to give these a go, we would love to hear about it!

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