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HOPPY Easter! What to do this Easter Long weekend!

HOPPY Easter! What to do this Easter Long weekend!

At Edible Blooms we love Easter! What’s not to love? A long weekend, Hot crossed buns and all of the chocolate you could possibly want! Easter is the only holiday where it is socially acceptable to eat chocolate all day every day for at least four 4 days! WE LOVE IT!!

Below are some fun things to do between eating chocolate or while you’re eating chocolate.

Have a chocolate tasting –

Don’t just limit yourself to Milk chocolate, there is a whole array of chocolate just waiting for you. White, Dark, 70% cocoa, and then there are the flavours added like Macadamia, coconut, sea salt, Or Honeycomb the options are endless. Try our Gourmet Egg Hamper to get your tasting started!

Have an Easter Egg Hunt –

Now if you think this is just for the kids you have forgotten the excitement and joy of looking for those little foiled eggs of goodness hiding in plain sight. The more people involved the more fun, get the rush of adrenaline as everyone goes out for a hunt!

Do some Easter Baking –

It is always nice on The Sunday to have a big family Lunch and enjoy everyone’s company. This is the perfect opportunity to take a break from chocolate or to try it in a different format – a Cake! Everyone loves cake and chocolate cake is the very best at Easter.

Whatever you do for Easter make sure you enjoy it! Easter is all about new life and new beginnings, so break your diet for four days and start again on Tuesday!

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