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How to have the best Easter Egg Hunt ever!!

How to have the best Easter Egg Hunt ever!!

A good Easter Egg hunt is the highlight of Easter for people of all ages, the kid’s love finding the eggs and the adults have more fun hiding the eggs! We have got a few tips and tricks to make sure it is the best one ever!

  • To start make sure you have lots of eggs (obviously), different flavours and different sizes.
  • If you do an Egg hunt first thing in the morning, start with a trail of eggs from the kids rooms to a bigger are for the rest of the hunt.
  • Hide things in plain sight, they will be looking for tricky places and miss the ones right in front of their faces!
  • Scatter some on the grass, like the Easter bunny came by and dropped all of the eggs. It will have a cute story and the littler kids will be able to find them.
  • Don’t hide all of the bigger eggs together – It is more exciting if they just find one big one and if there are a few kids involved in the hunt it gives everyone a chance to find some bigger eggs.

And then finally the best way to make sure everyone gets the same amount of everything, combine all of the eggs and spilt them up evenly. Then everyone gets the same and it is all fair!


Happy Easter Egg Hunting! xx

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