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Edible BloomsEdible Blooms
Our Favourite Chocolate Bouquets

Our Favourite Chocolate Bouquets

Our lovely Brisbane manager Maud’s favourite Chocolate Bouquet is the Crazy Coconut Choc Block -  a very appropriate choice given she is every bit as crazy and tropical as the bloom itself! Maud loves dark chocolate and coconut, and says it “just screams healthy to me!”

Rachael is a Ferrero fiend, so it comes as no surprise that her favourite chocolate bouquet is the Rose Garden Chocolate Bouquet. And who could blame her? With two perfect rows of Chocolatier milk chocolate, topped by 20 Ferrero, you cannot go wrong with a lovely Rose Garden.

Cody is a sucker for the Swaddle Cuddles hamper, and always runs for the lambs whenever we see one pop up on our dash. Pink or blue, it makes no difference to Cody, as she makes them with love for those celebrating new life.

Tash enjoy putting together the Bubbling Chocolate Riches for our customers. Nothing quite says Thank You, Good Luck, I Love You, or Happy Birthday like a bottle of sparkling wine, some chocolate coins (the best kind of currency!), and a fresh new addition of greenery to add to the home!  

Madlin likes making the copper range as the copper flares are her fav to work with.. and the copper royal is her fav out of the three!

Jenny likes making this Bear Hugs Chocolate Bouquet as the marleys are so soft and cute – in fact any bloom with a toy in it is her fav!

Chrissy loves making the Aloha Delight because it is fresh and beautiful! It is also super healthy so she knows who ever enjoys it can’t feel guilty! 

Zena loves the bright vibrant colours in our Bright Delight Bloom! She loves the spring Lindt and thinks the flowers make the bloom look really pretty! 

Stef likes her Chocolate Bouquet’s a little fruitier, and enjoys making the Strawberry Blooms the most. For Stef, there is nothing quite so satisfying as getting the perfect white chocolate swirl on a milk chocolate-coated strawberry.
Michelle thinks the Strawberry and Cream Chocolate heaven is one of our Pretties blooms, and it has the perfect mix of Chocolate, fruit and of course white chocolate!


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