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Edible BloomsEdible Blooms
Rewarding and Retaining your Team has never been easier

Rewarding and Retaining your Team has never been easier

Get a jump start on the busy season by making your most valuable business asset feel valued, retention of your team is more important than ever this year!

Everyone loves to feel appreciated, whether it's rewarding a consistently high achiever or a team collaboration that brings home the deal. 

With the busy season fast approaching, there has never been a better time to reach out and appreciate your valued team.

Edible Blooms co-founder Kelly Jamieson is keen to ensure clients of Edible Blooms are on the front foot for 2022.

“‘Last year we saw personalised gifting by our corporate clients reaching out to send their appreciation to employees, key suppliers and stakeholders more than doubled compared to 2020”.

Why is recognition so important? “63% of employees would rather work for a company that had a culture where people were praised and thanked regularly for doing good work, than for a company that paid 10% more but offered no praise or thanks”. (

This data was supported by a survey of our own team here at Edible Blooms conducted in June 2022.  Priorities for our own team were being appreciated and having open communication.  Salaries and remuneration did not rate in team responses at all.

BDO recently sent personalised deliveries to their clients & markets team in multiple locations across Australia, “Our C&M national conference was an opportunity to recognise our valued team and their achievements across the country in a challenging time. Sharing a personalised gourmet delivery across our multiple locations enhanced that sense of celebration and unity.” Anna Storen.

To support local and regional producers, Edible Blooms gift hamper range features a hand picked selection of 100% Australian made delights.   From hand-made soap from South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula to Barossa Valley cheese makers and Margaret River wine and chocolate, Edible Blooms hampers and gifts are more than a box full of joy for your recipient.

Let Edible Blooms help you, reward your team, along with supporting your organizational values.  Our goal is to make employees of our clients feel valued without requiring a ton of time and resources.

To find out more about our personalised corporate gift range, the Edible Blooms corporate team are available to assist : or 1300768996  

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