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Running Out of Time This Holiday Season? Our Online Gift Shop is the Answer!

Running Out of Time This Holiday Season? Our Online Gift Shop is the Answer!

Christmas…we all know how hectic it can become. Struggling to find a carpark at the local shopping centre, travelling hours and hours around the city to find the perfect gift. And who can forget the lines…the endless checkout lines! It’s time to stop your pre-Christmas fear, and start to realise the pure ease and fun sending online gifts with Edible Blooms. The process of sending online gifts is simple and easy. You can do it in the comfort of your own home…yes in your PJs! Or on the go running the kids around to sport practice and to and from work. All you need to send online gifts is a smart phone, a laptop or anything in-between!


Plus the most amazing thing about sending online gifts, especially with Edible Blooms over Christmas this year is that we can deliver as well! Straight to the recipient…with no fuss a knock on the door and voila, the perfect Christmas gift! Edible Blooms has just set up the most amazing Christmas online gifts shop yet. It’s literally your one stop Christmas shop! Because we love our customers so much, we have literally set up a shop where you can purchase individually any product you find in our hamper range. That’s right, online gifts where you can pick and choose and create your perfect gift hamper to suit your budget and the recipients taste.


The easiness with buying online gifts this Christmas this Edible Blooms is that you can also elect the specific date that you would like your gift to be delivered. No need to worry about whether your gift will come a week after Christmas, here at Edible Blooms… our online gifts deliveries are fast, efficient and guaranteed. Here at Edible Blooms, we also have a range of payment options to send online gifts. Are you worried about your budget exploding this Christmas? No need to fear or worry as we now offer Afterpay as a payment option! It’s fast, it’s efficient and best of all it’s easy to send online gifts.


Online gifts here at Edible Blooms don’t just stop at our one stop Christmas shop, we also offer a huge variety of chocolate bouquets, fresh fruit and donuts as well as gift hampers and live plants! You name it – we’ve got it to send as online gifts that say WOW with added Kapow! The best part about sending online gifts and delivering with Edible Blooms is of that pure joy and excitement you know the recipient is going to feel when they open their Christmas online gifts for the first time. And you as the recipient will be overwhelmed that you know you have done it. You’ve nailed sending the perfect online gifts that has beaten anything that you could have purchased in store. It’s different, it’s fresh, come on what can you lose by giving Edible Blooms a go this Christmas and send online gifts with us this year!


Trust us – you won’t be disappointed.

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