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The Funniest Meme’s about the Cancer Zodiac

The Funniest Meme’s about the Cancer Zodiac

Let's explore our Cancer friends a little more… They are often known for being sensitive, comforting, nurturing and goofy.

Cancers are a shoulder to cry on through the tough times and to laugh with through the good times. We can’t help but love them!

In celebration of the Cancer Season, don't be shellfish and spoil your cancer friends. Since Cancers are a 10/10 friend here are our top 10 memes sure to make you laugh: 

1. We know the feeling ...

2. I think it’s safe to say this is all of us ....

3. Always time for a scheduled mental breakdown along with some unplanned ones

4. The social battery often needs to be charged

5. The instant regret of going out

6. They always know what's good for them

7. Sad song therapy

8. Your problem is my problem

9. What Cancer needs to stop doing

10. Cancers be like ... 

Don't forget to check out our Zodiac range this season to spoil your Cancerian friends. From chocolate bouquets to chocolate gift boxes and even a bottle of wine, there is a gift for everyone to enjoy. 

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