Preparing your Spring Garden and Our Personal Checklist
Author: Tenille Date Posted:14 August 2019
It’s spring!! It’s happening it’s here, the pollen is in the air and we are all sneezing, the birds are chirping and simultaneously starting to swoop us and we are all starting to sweat from our sweltering Aussie heat but none of that matters! Because it’s spring and everything is beautiful. So Greenies, stay with us, because this one is for you.
As many side effects that come with spring (such as birds actually turning on the human race) we ignore these because the days are brighter, the weather is warmer and nature is quite literally blossoming which means if you’ve got the green thumb it’s time to turn your attention to your Spring Garden. At Edible Blooms we have Spring Garden Ideas coming out of Spring Garden Ideas and we are in the mood for sharing.
So our green thumb friends, never fear! Your Spring Garden Ideas 2019 is here!
Check for Signs of New Growth
Start checking for those new growths, because when it comes to your Spring Garden these are the good kinds of growths! You’re literally creating life now guys, it’s a big flipping deal, act like it!
Trim those roses, water that grass, cut magnolia branches and bring them inside to get an early taste of the gorgeous Spring to come!
Prep the Garden Beds
If we are talking Spring Garden Ideas we are talking the three P’s. Preparation, preparation, preparation! So remove winter mulch or if you have composted well, work that bad boy into the top layer of soil. If you’re the type that loves those really smelly Spring Garden Ideas it may also be beneficial to work in some leaf mould or well-rotted manure, MmmMmm what a treat this coming spring.
Alright guys we all know this one, but it would be criminal to not include pruning for your spring garden ideas 2019 would it not?! Now is the time to trim up all of your fruit trees if you didn’t already snip them back during winter! Prune, and we cannot stress this enough, BEFORE buds begin to bloom. If you do not heed this warning you will be looking at some stressed out trees and the absolute last thing we need for your Spring Garden is to be taking your trees to therapy, this is costly and time consuming, say it with us, ‘prune before buds!’
Perform Basic Maintenance to your Home and Garden
Ya basic. But in the context of Spring Garden Ideas this is actually a super wonderful thing. Getting those basic essentials out of the way is the best way to get your Spring Garden ready and thriving. So check your stonework for frost; and make any repairs to garden beds, pots or garden/gardening utensils. A workman is only as good as his tools so get those suckers in tip top shape, your plants will be loving you sick for it.
Start your Seeds Indoors
Another one of our green thumb gifts tips and tricks! If you’re like us at Green Thumbs, you have spent all winter preparing for this moment, your Spring Garden 2019, it’s momentous, this is it, this will be your most instagramable year yet and we get it. If you’ve been reading seed and plant guides like they are going out of style you’ll know as well as we do that sowing your own seeds can be SO beneficial!! From saving money, getting a head start on your growing season and being able to choose from varieties that aren’t only available locally, this is one of the Spring Garden Ideas 2019 for you.
You also get to experience the joy of watching a seemingly lifeless pot transform and sprout into a real living plant! Trust us, it’s a more phenomenal feeling than you think!
Plant the Right Veggies
This is one of the more full proof ways to make sure you aren’t watering an apple seed during onion season (just a little greenie humour). Hardy vegetables should be planted, when it comes to Spring Garden Ideas 2019 you can basically Google which veggies are the best to plant in which season but to save all that hassle check out our Pinterest for ideas, tips & tricks, and which veggies / perennials to plant and when! (Great link placement, this is perfect)
Divide (and Conquer) Perennials
Before plants have begun that spring growth it will be a great time to divide those perennials. Share some new varieties among friends this year and experiment with those Spring Garden Ideas! Sharing is always trending so give your Spring Garden a fabulous ramp up by swapping some greenery with your fellow greenies!
Being a green thumb is one of the coolest types of thumbs you can be, plants are super groovy for a variety of reasons and by checking off all these necessities you will be so ready for your spring garden. Get going greenies, your time is now!